Monday, February 18, 2013

Our goal 2013, His first therapy for 2013

This is Carl first physiotherapy on 2 January 2013, it take about 2 hours therapy, he was crying while doing PT but with his babytv he relaxed a little and began to focus. Our hope with this exercise may strengthen his muscles. We will continue this therapy as it helps Carl and try to find another alternative treatment.

Our goal for this year (2013)
  1. Strengthen muscles
  2. Crawling 
  3. Independent siting
  4. First step

He was screaming 

His babytv never left behind 

How cute he is, Love this man

at the end going back home , he fall asleep because too tired but he did a great job! well done Carl Kenzie, Never Give Up! Go Carl

Monday, December 19, 2011

Carl Recipes

Basic Baby Porridge

Serving: 2 bowls | Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 45 minutes

1/4 cup rice
3 cups water
3-4 oz sweet potato, cut into small pieces
1 egg yolk, optional

Put the rice into a small pot and rinse with cold water a few times. Discard the cloudy water and add 3 cups of filtered water into the rice. Add the sweet potatoes and bring it to on medium heat. Lower the heat to simmer, cover the pot, and let cook for 45 minutes or until the rice breaks down completely. If using egg yolk, lightly beat the egg yolk and add to the porridge. Stir a few times, and let cook for about 1-2 minutes. Before serving, use a blender or stick blender to puree the porridge. Serve it cool to avoid burning your baby.

Deluxe Baby Porridge

Serving: 2 servings of 8 oz | Prep Time: 10 mins | Cook Time: 45 mins

Ingredients: 1/4 cup rice
3 cups water
3 oz protein (chicken, fish, pork, or beef)
1 oz sweet potato (orange-color), cut into small pieces
1 oz pumpkin or kabocha, cut into small pieces
1 or 2 dried scallops (removed after cooked)
1 tablespoon dried silver fish, rinsed
1 ring onion, cut into small pieces
3-4 broccoli florets or 3 wedges tomato
1 egg yolk

Put the rice into a small pot and rinse with cold water a few times. Discard the cloudy water and add 3 cups of filtered water into the rice. Add all the ingredients into the pot and bring it to bowl on medium heat. Lower the heat to simmer, cover the pot, and let cook for 45 minutes or until the rice breaks down completely. If using egg yolk, lightly beat the egg yolk and add to the porridge. Stir a few times, and let cook for about 1-2 minutes. Before serving, remove the dried scallops (you can eat them) before using a blender to puree the porridge. Serve it cool to avoid burning your baby.

Sweet Potato Puree Recipe

4 oz sweet potato, finely diced
1 cup water

In a pot, bring the diced sweet potato and water to boil, for about 15 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency that you like. If it’s too watery, boil longer. If it’s too thick, add some water.
The sweet potato should break down quite a bit after the boiling. If not, you can use the back of the spoon to mash the sweet potato to the desired texture. To make a silky smooth sweet potato puree, you can blend it with a blender. Let cool and serve.

Cook’s Notes:

If you have leftover sweet potato puree, transfer it to a container and freeze it. Thaw and reheat using the microwave when ready to feed.
In the United States, sweet potato is also labeled and marketed as yam. But this is not the yam (or taro) that is pale purple in color.


When it comes to feeding Carl, nutrition is the most important factor that I consider. Babies need a lot of brain food, or so-called “super food” for their ever-developing brain. One super baby food is avocado, which is recommended by a renowned pediatrician Dr. William Sears. Avocado ranks #1 on his top ten list of fruits for babies because the nutritional value of avocado nutrition is excellent for a baby’s growing development…

Avocado has a lot of nutrients, considering its unattractive bumpy exterior: protein, fiber, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fat (aka “good” fat), and the list goes on. Avocado is also a fatty fruit and high in calories, hence a great fruit if your baby is under weight. It’s good for babies 6 months and above. For easy feeding, I always use a baby spoon to scrape the flesh of the avocado. It’s so convenient and most importantly, my baby loves it.

To choose avocado, always look for the ones with dark green skin, which indicates the ripeness of the avocado. Many people don’t know how to open an avocado (don’t peel the skin!), so I have provided the easy step-by-step below:

How to Open an Avocado (click the gallery above for the step-by-step):

  1. Cut the avocado in half, lengthwise around the seed. Cut deep until the knife touches the seed.
  2. Twist and pull the two halves apart.
  3. To remove the seed, stick the lower end of the knife into the seed. Twist the knife and the seed will pop out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

8 Month

Go Back to Hometown
Daddy Cuddle

After we were discharged from the hospital we returned, the village (Sabah). I feel very comfortable in my parents house. Stress and anxiety have recovered slightly although still afraid to face the days to come. I have explained my child's situation to my parents and their reaction is always positive and told me "Do not worry he's just taking the time and he will do it"

When we were still in Johor, stress and anxiety came like rapid-fire. Since I became active in the study of Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and to know in detail about it, makes me nervous and sometimes I sobbed like a baby. Feelings of intense fear, feeling lost direction, feelings of wonder "what should I do to help him?" "Oh I have to do this, do that!" "Why like this?" "Who will help me?". Too much on my mind.

In the village, My mother and father made ​​me comfortable and less worried. For now, Carl can roll to the left only, but since he started taking Epilim, I found he was less rolling. the positive is that he tries to bottle feeding.
Tomme Tippy Bottle

Things that make us happy:

Eating Durian

Eating boiled cassava

The bath that can be supported when he lay down to being bathed

About an appointment at the Hospital Women and Children in Sabah, Likas. Not good at all, I was told that the delay development, such as control of the head and body caused brain damage. I actually know already what the doctor will explain as I have already made ​​a study about it and I ask your doctor to give my child the therapy, but he shook his head and still explain me the same thing. Stupid doctor!. I was asked to wait outside the room waiting for a letter of reference for the Hospital Sultan Ismail as we will change the hospital.
I only got two letters of reference and it is so simple.  : (

Monday, October 31, 2011

Am I Guilty

Feelings of guilt is always there in me. I think why this should happen to me. I never do evil, even though people would think I was bad but I try not to do harm to the people around me. Since my daughter died, I tried to control myself to always feel humble towards all things. I would shrink myself from people I know that I did not seem like a failure. 2 years have passed since the late Cassendara Vendra died,
Cassendra Vendra R.I.P
Date of Birth 06 September 2009
Date of Death 07 September 2009
my sorrow and grief is never lost, but it increases when my son is facing Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Congestive felt when I was given the appearance of such tests. Actually I was not strong enough to deal with these, for me this is very extreme, my heart felt like shouting, "This is not fair"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Admitted at Hospital Sultan Ismail Johor, Malaysia (26/09/2011-30/09/2011)

He looked his hand

Red Alert  Emergency Department
Johor, Malaysia
Poor him

At wad
In the bed cot
Febrile Fit
We still here since 26/9/11
My Breakfast :)

Their took 3 times but still
 can't get the blood

EEG Scan
Still Sleep

Waiting for transfer  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Carl Kenzie's Development Milestone

For me, waiting for each development was aggravated and wondering when he would do it. Each time he reached the development of even just a little makes me so happy and grateful. My husband and I have discussed and agreed to write each of the progress that he has achieved.

Physical skill
Raises head & chest when on stomach
stretches and kick on back
open and shuts hands
bring hand to mouth
grasps and shakes toys

Social skill
begin to develop social smile
enjoys playing with people
more communicative
more expressive with face and body
imitates some movements and expression

Sensory Milestone
Follow moving object
Recognizes familiar object and people at a distance
starts using hand and eyes in coordination
prefer sweet smells
prefer soft to coarse

Monday, August 15, 2011

Carl Kenzie History

Carl was born and diagnosed with:

*Severe Mas (Click Here to find out about Severe Mas
  • Delivered Full term via EMGLSCS due to fetal distress
  • Head delivery by forceps noted moderate meconium stain liquor
  • ventilated for 20/7 and required HFOV
  • developed PPHN and given iNO for 6/7 with syr.sildenafil for 9/7
  • Hypotensive and required triple inotropes
**Perinatal asphyxia with HIE grade 3 (Click here to find out about Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy)
  • as at birth 4 at 1 min, 6 at 5min
  • Cord pH:6.88 HO3 21.1 BE -15.5
***Resolved pneumonia (Click here to find out about pneumonia)
****Hypertension(Click here to find out about Hypertension)